Zillions of Games

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The first infinitely expandable Windows gaming system.


Zillions of Games 2

Version 2.0 --> 2.0.1 patch

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Zillions of Games -- an exciting game package for Windows that uses an absolutely unique "universal gaming engine" technology, allowing you to play nearly any abstract board game or puzzle in the world.

Custom Game Development
Are you working on a promotion campaign for your music, TV, film, or other event where you need a quick product that might interest your web site or store visitors as an entertaining give-away? Or are you interested in creating a gaming community online? We can create just such an environment for you -- one that will keep your visitors coming back again and again.

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Axiom Development Kit (by Greg Schmidt)

This time it's not really one game but a whole bunch that earn attention. They are all made possible by an amazing extension (plugin) to Zillions Of Games, the Axiom Development Kit, which in itself is a universal game playing engine, just like Zillions is. But this one uses the ForthScript language to write your game scripts in. It includes such things as the ability to use variables, perform math, define functions and data, etc. And, best of all, you can (and usually must) create your own game intelligence. That means it's particularly suited for games that Zillions itself stinks at, like connection and territorial games.
The bunch Axiomatic games show a couple of examples of Axiom's power. Stuff that just wouldn't be possible with Zillions alone. Available now to every Zillions game developer!

*Please Note: You need the full version of Zillions of Games to play these free games.
In a single, coherent user interface, Zillions of Games supports all the popular features gamers look for, including navigation and take-back, game loading and saving, Internet/LAN play, animation and sound, engine and time control settings, move lists, search status, and board editing. Zillions of Games is built to be explored. With legal move display, context-sensitive rules help, status bar help, online documentation, adjustable skill level, and hints, Zillions makes it easy and fun to learn new games.

“Why choose one game when you could have a ... zillion?”
Wired News

"If you like classic board games, this is zen."
Games Weekly Magazine

"...one of the greatest computer game bargains of all time..."
PC Today

From the CD Zillions of Games plays 375 challenging games and puzzles -- from Chess, Reversi, and Go-Moku to Dodg'em, Neutron, and Hip -- along with historical information that makes the program educational, as well as fun. You can play against the computer or challenge your best friend over the Internet.
Zillions of Games is the first expandable gaming environment, allowing games to be changed or new games to be added at any time by anyone. Share games with your friends or download more free games for Zillions from this website. Over 2000 games with more than 10000 variations have been posted to the web and more are being added all the time.
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JULY 16, 2020
We accept a modest donation to unlock the ZoG2 demo program.
Get your Unlock Key now.

updated: Reusable Makruk Variant

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