"Zillions of Games" Engine Plug-in 1/7/01
hope that this sample game-engine plug-in will be extremely useful
to you as you go about creating your own games to work within the
Zillions engine.
is the ReadMe.txt file (also included in the downloadable zip file):
of Games ( supports an API for plug-in
game engines. This sample demonstrates how to make a working plug-in
for Zillions of Games v.1.2.3. The Visual C++ 6 project and all
source code are included, as well as the built engine, Sample.dll.
Documentation of Zillions plug-in API can be found in plugin.html,
which is also included.
engine is intentionally simple: it plays random moves in 19x19 Go-Moku.
Note to users of the free Borland Command Line Compiler:
To compile,
1) rename "Engine.def" to "RandomGoMoku.def", and
2) compile with: "bcc32 -WD RandomGoMoku.c"
Note: This code is provided "as is," solely for demonstration purposes
and with no warrantees. Code from the included C files may be used
freely in Zillions plug-ins. However, the included BMPs may not
be redistributed.
here to download the sample.
